to open comissions so I could take one! But he never did, and even though I consider him a good friend, I thought it'd be rude to ask him to draw me for free, but he's such a great person that soon after taking the comission from Supi, he wanted to do his own version of my 'sona, and here's the result! I looooove it :D
Hmmm, now that you mention it, maybe is a bit lionish! I know Kooky worked hard about doing cats, since he had done nothing but canids until then, but still, for being one of his first cats, it surely is good! ^^
Hmmm, now that you mention it, maybe is a bit lionish! I know Kooky worked hard about doing cats, si
It just Linda struck out to me at first, like you could have been an oddly colored mane-less lion, but like you said, it doesn't make it any less great.
It just Linda struck out to me at first, like you could have been an oddly colored mane-less lion, b