Commission Info as of Feb 2017
Style A: Sketchy in one color
Style B: Painterly sketching in one color
Style C: Detailed sketch with color splash
Style D: Line art and colored
Style E: Painted
All styles are digital.
I also do comic page and line art coloring which is pretty much Style D with others lines. For pictures it is $15 and for Pages it is 25 a page.
For digital coloring of others line art's you must be the artist or have permission from the artist.
Artists allowing Digital Painting with their commissions:
[iconname]AlessaDC[/iconname] (art pictured in above)
(If you want to be added let me know)
Icons will be 1000 px squared.
Full usually will be 8in by 10in.
I can draw way more then turtles. If I have a reference I will do much better on a commission.
If you want more characters in a picture Icon pricing will be added for that style per character.
I try to turn around art in a week as of right now.
Payment is through PayPal only at this time and inquiries can be addressed to
8 years, 1 month ago
12 Feb 2017 17:49 CET
Initial: f9aa626e734f89287e6f3a5e11e2d112
Full Size: 7d85fe7d1ed31babe0edf85dca377e06
Large: 0e9c46048f8002bb7dbd81b87940a364
Small: aab1630151dd3eabd7169c9556210f9f
0 favorites