Well, I said I would and I did. After completing Pokemon Moon I felt I had enough knowledge of the newer Pokemon to reasonably decide what my favorites were. Needless to say this was a lot easier to do then my last list; One, because it was only one game, and not six compiled together and two, because there were so few new Pokemon that were actually good it made my decision a hell of a lot easier, Hell most of my likes are just revamped Pokemon from Red/Blue. Maybe that's cheating, but it really is all I could choose. In some cases I really like the Alolan forms, so better then the originals, others... not so much, but that connection to Gen 1 just makes me favor them. There are a few truly good Pokemon from Sun/Moon as you can see here, but for the most part it was slim pickings. Also, yes I took my liberties on some of the designs and colors, especially some of the shinies. Some are just boring and I had better ideas for what I thought would look nice.
8 years, 1 month ago
03 Feb 2017 00:34 CET
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