I decided to hop onto the bandwagon and make up one of these get to know the artist posts <3 Listed below is a Q & A I held while I worked on this. If you have other questions feel free to comment them below! <3
Q 1. if you didn't become an artist what would you be doing instead? A. If I hadnt focused on my art , Id be focusing on my writing ^^ Id like to Publish some stuff at some point in life. But I do plan to go to college for young Childhood development.
Q 2. How do you feel about butt poking? A. Only good butt poking is gay butt poking ->.>-
Q 3. you mostly draw babyfurs, ever draw adult babyfurs? A. Yes I do! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/22284024/ This is my favorite Adult diaper piece ive drawn recently.
Q 4. how does it feel to have so many people be huge fans of yours? A. Honestly , Its mindblowing. I never would have imagined with all those artists so better then me out there , that I myself would get so many fans.
Q 5. How's it feel being good friends with 2 of your ex's A. It's nice being able to stay friends.That being said theres some Ex's I could never be friends with after.
Q 6. if you could go to any furry convention, which one would you go to? A. I dont really know... Only convention Ive been to is Rainfurrest and they dont do that one anymore.