Well new years resolution to get art done in a more timely manner isn't panning out but at least it's done. What with Mass Effect Andromeda coming out in March I felt compelled to do some new ME art. But not knowing the substance of what will happen in Andromeda I decided to go with something cute. So enjoy this baby Krogan! ^^
Getting a toddler to hold still for a picture is never easy. Their always squirmy or fussy. Krogan children are no exception to this. Thadon Darod is one such tot. Like others his age Darod is constantly on the move and into things and asking a million questions. Darod however has the extra added quirk of getting into gadgets of any sort and taking them apart. Not simply breaking them as some tots, epscially many other Krogan children, but unsnapping bits and undoing screws to open it up. Darod's parents are at once frustrated, amused, and impressed by this habit. Clan Thadon itself is an odd one by Krogan standards. They no longer live on Tuchunka but a small station purchased a few centuries ago. The clan is much more technically minded. Traditionally the brightest of Krogan. They proudly trace back their liniage to the Krogan who discovered nuclear fusion, built the first reactor, and helped design the first bomb. Life on Endurance Station is comfortable for them and a great deal different from most. Darod will of course learn how to fight as he grows, but he'll learn when not to as well.
Today though Darod is busy on an imaginary adventure with his stuffed Verren, Nomee, in toe. It's a lazy day at home. His mother Thadon Clasa is busy with her duties as lead of one of the station's engineering teams. His father Raza however is home watching his son. Typically working from home he designs of all things video games for sale on the extranet. A career which has proven to be more profitable than he'd thought. Today he was drawn away from work hearing his offspring scamper this way and that playing and seeing the little Krogan scampering about with a plush exploring the ruins of some lost civization his imagination had conjured tried to get a picture. Raza felt lucky to be a father. The Genophage made it so hard for Krogan to naturally have children. Only 1 in a 1,000 attempts would be successful. But tank breeding Techniques made that a non issue for them. Not something most Krogan would find appealing. Raza didn't care. It gave him a son who had finally stopped moving for once! Raza snapped a picture before Darod asked what he was doing. Upon being told he giggled and stuck his tongue out to make a funny face which his father once again snapped a picture of. Something to share with his mate when she got off work. Their Little Wonder.
Well anyway hope you guys liked the pic and the lil story. ^^
mass effect
8 years ago
26 Jan 2017 01:26 CET
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