, to show the relationships that Karl von Bernerholdt has had that produced children, and his descendants. Thank you!
Not shown are two older sons, who he has never met, who resulted from two earlier affairs with two of his maids, and one stillborn child, from an affair with his cook. All of three of those births pre-date Taylor Schwartzfield, who is his oldest child who we see in my Swiss Mix stories. and the conception of those three plus Taylor all pre-date his marriage to Helga.
Brianna, Cheri and Karla were all maids working for him when they got pregnant, and Cheri and Karla are still in his service. He has also hired 4 of his own illegitimate daughters as maids - Marie, Taylor, Karin and Sandra.
His son Hans was tricked into impregnating his father's maid, Karla, resulting in fraternal twins, because Karla wanted Karl to have grandchildren from herself.
No, I'm an 4th generation American by birth, with primarily German ancestry. I happen to have enjoyed owning and training three generations of Bernese Mountain Dogs (Berner Sennerhund), which are a Swiss breed of dog. So when I started writing this story series, the primary original characters that I created for the story were anthropomorphic Bernese Mountain Dogs, from the canton of Bern, Switzerland, where the breed originated.
No, I'm an 4th generation American by birth, with primarily German ancestry. I happen to have enjoye