A pin-up of my cute little bar vixen Cassandra all dressed up in her favorite outfit. It's the same one she wears to work, as often as not. When you're more famous for the way you look than for the beer you serve, it never hurts to advertise just a little. She doesn't usually drink while she's working, but what's the good of owning your own business if you can't bend the rules from time to time?
You did, indeed, and it has always been one of my favorite pictures of those two for how sweet it is. It would be lovely to see them together again, too, sometime.
You did, indeed, and it has always been one of my favorite pictures of those two for how sweet it is
I'm not sure if it's an official tag, but I thought it was appropriate for a vixen wearing the colors of a breed of rabbits. And thanks! English Spot rabbits, which are the breed she takes her markings from, have always been one of my favorite breeds of domestic rabbits, and their colors look surprisingly good on a vixen.
I'm not sure if it's an official tag, but I thought it was appropriate for a vixen wearing the color