A lot of people found it dissapointing but thats only because antibirth came out lmao. people had this bias that because the fans made antibirth and it was so good, well the official update must be way better, and thats why people where dissapointed lmao.
i enjoy it for what it is, im not going to compaire it to antibirth because honestly thats a seperate thing in itself, it took them 5 years to make not 2-1 years like afterbirth plus did, also it's made by fans who adore isaac of course it's going to be better. the dude who created isaac made it years ago, and by now has probably lost any kind of inspiration for it anymore, he wanted to just add one last thing for the fans before he ended it. though im dissapointed this will be the last isaac update i'm happy we had any honestly lol.
A lot of people found it dissapointing but thats only because antibirth came out lmao. people had th
If that's so then he shouldn't even have made Afterbirth+, just let it end with Afterbirth since that added much more(and honestly better) content. And the fact that Antibirth was made by fans and turns out to be better than the official update that you have to pay for just makes the creator look bad in mine and many people's eyes really. Just my two cents
If that's so then he shouldn't even have made Afterbirth+, just let it end with Afterbirth since tha
Again proving my point that people have a bias that the creator should of made something better because of antibirth, and because it was made for free. legaly they can't sell it, but im sure they would of it they could.
i honestly feel a little sorry for him that his updates are getting shunned just because of some fan mod, sure it's good enjoy it, but theres no harm in also enjoying the new updates too, oh dear it's not as good. well i honestly think gamers are a little spoilt, they think they deserve the best quality ever for like what 7$? like come on.
Again proving my point that people have a bias that the creator should of made something better beca
I think you're a tad confused here, i never said i didn't enjoy it, i did. I simply enjoyed Antibirth MORE since it game me MORE to enjoy, Afterbirth+ just didn't give me enough to enjoy as Antibirth did. And shouldn't the creator strive do deliver better content than fans since, ya know, he's the actual creator? At least he didn't do like Nintendo did to AM2R
I think you're a tad confused here, i never said i didn't enjoy it, i did. I simply enjoyed Antibirt
Well honestly antibirth is a seperate thing in it's own, if you enjoyed it more fair enough it does look better because there is more content, however they made the mod as if it was an intire new game of isaac in it'self. the official updates where always just add ons.
and also how can he strive to diliver better, when antibirth pretty much came out just a few days before afterbirth+ came out. i doubt he had any idea what it was going to be like.
Well honestly antibirth is a seperate thing in it's own, if you enjoyed it more fair enough it does
Actually, if you manage to explore all of the content in less than a week, it's more than fair to judge it. Not saying I did, i probably didn't find all the new items but i explored enough to judge it fairly
Actually, if you manage to explore all of the content in less than a week, it's more than fair to ju