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Have fun to watch my young queen journey. Everyone! XD fun. Might need AJ for this...but if she's at Sweet Apple.... Rarity it is. After all Spike and Twi have history with her and Spike did go for her first. fun. Might need AJ for this...but if she's at Sweet Apple.... Rarity it is. After all S
I believe that Twilight experienced the "Jerk Syndrome" where she is so beautiful and elegant that every male thinks she is never going to accept any advances from them, so they never make any.
I believe that Twilight experienced the "Jerk Syndrome" where she is so beautiful and elegant that e
Time to talk with Spike again I say. Clearing things out. And he is also probably the best to know why others could never be able to express their love to her or is there really no one that actually does love her but is afraid to tell her his feelings because, you know, Royalty?
Time to talk with Spike again I say. Clearing things out. And he is also probably the best to know w