These will be the last two sketch concept pages for my future comic!
Also, so people won't be too much spoiled xD
A bit after Kitu died, Salmy decided there were certain things he loved about the bipedals and others that he loved about ferals: so much luxury, nah, slow plantigrade paws, nah. So many clothes! So he decided to move off the nice mansion he was living in, and into a cave. Of course, he needed some nice things for his cave! Beds are cool, furniture, kitchen, videogames.. His raccoon friend Keith helped him with the task, being quite the young handyman, while he worked on a new shape for his legs and a new style, lots more feralish and wild.
In 2017 I'll begin to collaborate with ThatWildMary in the comic project. I'll inform you all about it when we do! Prolly around February or so ^^