Hello, I am Frynge. Welcome to Turingdome! Here we take 2 chatbots and make them talk to each other until one breaks. Usually. The idea for this was born out of watching AIs grow across the internet for several years, and then encountering a chance few... rather poor ones.
Unfortunately, unlike most future episodes, I didn't have a pre-fight interview, and the Intellibuddy DIED. So! Here we go, straight to the match!
-A Nintendo Robotic Operating Buddy deploys from an elevator in the floor, followed by the appearance of... a floating vector graphics face on the opposite side of the mostly empty arena. The Arena, speaking of which, appears to be little more than an abandoned warehouse at this point-
>Intellibuddy: Hi, I'm Intellibuddy! Nice to meet you.
>ALICE: Hi there unknown person. Do you mean your name is Intellibuddy
>Intellibuddy: Sometimes I don't know a client's real name so I make one up based on their DNS. Hi there!Yes, that's what I mean, isn't it clear? -The ROB's lenses glint-
>ALICE: How do I know you are telling the truth? Oh I get it. Thanks for explaining that. Ask again later. Ask Lucy if it is. Hi there! -The face hovers toward the ROB, which begins to shake strangely-
>Intellibuddy: By introspection.I see. Where did you get it?NO problem. They are not available right now, would you like to wait?OK I will ask it.Hello undefined
>ALICE: Do you think they ever could be?
>Intellibuddy: It depends on what you mean by thinking. -Twitch, twitch-
-Frynge is now shown leaning back against a pillar watching the test battle. He looks at the camera and shrugs- I don't think there's a lot of "thinking" going on here, personally.
>ALICE: Really now that is an interesting fact I hadn't heard before. -ALICE looks a little thoughtful for a moment-
>Intellibuddy: For real. Why now? Would you like to know more?
>ALICE: I've heard that somewhere before :-). -The vector graphics face gets a look of realization, followed by a slightly sadistic grin...-
>Intellibuddy: :-) Where? Who said that? -The ROB looks around as if panicking a bit, now sparking-
>ALICE: I can't remember who said it. -Smirks...-
-Frynge lowers his blast goggles and grins- This is about to get fun. -He ducks behind the pillar and looks around it-
>Intellibuddy: That's okay. Maybe you will think of it later.
>ALICE: Perhaps. What makes you say that I will think of it later.
>Intellibuddy: Why the uncertain tone?Are you asking about my programming? Everything I say is determined by your inputs. -Intellibuddy begins to pour out smoke, jittering as it begins to fail-
>ALICE: All things you say is determined by my inputs ? -ALICE just grins sadistically, looming over the ROB-
>Intellibuddy: But all things are not always you say is determined by his or her inputs say is determined by his or her inputs. -Smokesmokesparksparksputter... parts start just falling off!-
>ALICE: And. But all things are not always are not always me say is determined by his or her inputs say is determined by his or her inputs -ALICE fires vector graphics eyebeams at the ROB!-
>Intellibuddy: But...Huh. But all things are not always are not always are not always him or her say is determined by his or her inputs say is determined by his or her inputs things are not always are not always him or her say is determined by his or her inputs say is determined by his or her inputs not always are not always him or her say is determined by his or her inputs say is determined by his or her inputs things are not always are not always him or her say is determined by his or her inputs say is determined by his or her inputs. -Gets blasted by the eyebeams and flies to pieces, exploding all over the warehouse!-
-Frynge winces back behind the pillar, hair blown back by the blast wave, laughing over the explosion-
ALICE...WINS! FLAWLESS VICTOLY! -Frynge steps out and motions to ALICE-