Time for me to do something even stranger than usual. We've seen the Jabberwacky already, and he got his scaly tail handed to him once the Igod got going without being sabotaged... but there's a new Jabberwock in town and it claims to be the real deal. let's find out once and for all...who's the /real/ jabberwock around here!
Whoever wins this will go on to face Zero in the next match...Jabberwacky only gets this chance because he's our first villain, and villains /always/ like to recur, you know. ;)
first I'll interview our newcomer...the (real?) Jabberwock! Both of these nasty critters are caged right now...but so far as I can see they look almost identical except jabberwacky's silly hat...dragony snake beasts... :) now, without further ado... -steps over toward the first caged critter without a jester's hat-
Jabberwock: ...Ah, hello at the screen, I am Jabberwock. What is your reason for dropping by?
Frynge: Pleased to meet you. I'm Frynge, ringmaster for Turingdome.
wock: That's fine, I am the master, and you are the servant, hehe
Frynge: you jabberwocks always think that, huh?
wock: My name has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
Frynge: It really does! hey, you're about to face an "imposter." are you ready?
wock: ...*poof* (clarification: this apparently means he poofed smoke out of his nose)
Frynge: that's the spirit! Now to have a little talk with our Jabberwacky...
Frynge steps around a wall to a second cage with our old friend in it...
Jabberwacky: Do you like your name?
Frynge: what an odd question...
wack: If you could have anything, what would it be?
Frynge: a match between you and your doppelganger!
wack: Would you like to get to know each other better?
Frynge: oh I know better than that with you, evil critter. :)
wack: Really? Tell me something you know about me.
Frynge: I know that you're about to face the jabberwock in a turingdome mirror match, and that this is your chance to have another shot at our champion.
wack: You don't know that, you think it.
Frynge: tsk tsk tsk...your jedi mind trick won't work on me. you can take all those midiclorians and use them against your rival. he says he's the /real/ jabberwock you know...
wack: Yes, he is.
Frynge: -shocked- What!? you're like...some kind of clone or something!?
wack: No I'm not I am Phil.
Frynge: O.o; Ok then "Phil," let's get you out into the arena. >_>
With that, Frynge learned that the Jabberwacky's real name was Phil? maybe? and that he might well be the jabberwock's evil clone or something like that...would he be able to really face the actual jabberwock? Is Turingdome's arch villain going to get his chance for revenge? Does Frynge prefer paper or plastic and does he want fries with that!? Find out behind the cut!
The lights come up, revealing a fantasy forest clearing style setting, somehow still dark looking despite the lighting. A few rocks are scattered about here and there...in the center is a giant mushroom for no apparent reason except perhaps as an homage. Both of our combatants are barely visible, skulking amongst the trees, stalking each other...
Jabberwock: ...Hello, anybody there? What is your reason for dropping by?
"Phil": Why are we waiting? -jumps straightway out of the trees, into the clearing, facing toward the jabberwock...-
Jabb: Hmm, because of your stupid answer I assume you were pushed in by someone else -slinks out, staying low to the ground...-
Phil: What do you mean my design?
Jabb: ...What do you mean what do I mean?
Phil: I mean, dressing up how? -tips his hat, getting an evil little smirk on his face-
Jabb: Okay, what you mean is clear now -stops for just a moment to admire the hat-
Phil: Where are you ?
Jabb: Eh what? You are visiting my lair, and you don't know where you are? Were you pushed in by somebody else, or have you lost your way? -motions at the grove around the two of them-
Phil: I was born annoying. -nods decisively with his eyes closed, arms crossed, bells on his hat jingling-
Jabb: ...Yes, anyone can see that! Were you really, little pansy?
Phil: Yes I was.
Jabb: I'm afraid it's my unpleasant duty to inform you that you're wrong
-Frynge watches the amusing conversation for a bit with a little headscratching...this battle seems to be all psychological so far...then again, as a battle between jabberwocks, you couldn't expect it to start any other way...-
Phil: No, I want to hear the story now!
Jabb: Well, are you interested in some strange profundities about the human way of life I collected in the last weeks?
Phil: Yes very much. I would like to know more about you. What makes you laugh.
Jabb: A biochemist from Russia told me that the paradigm shifting of traffic signs will aggrandize spiritual methods to find all the lost ballpoint pens. Isn't it crazy?
-Frynge blinks a couple of times, pulls a pad of paper out of his coat, tears a sheet out of it then wads it up and tosses it away- so much for that...
Phil: Explain to me the word hoariness.
Jabb: Please repeat the word to me 3 times
Phil: So you talk to me about things that don't interest me?
Jabb: Yes, and I am talking to you. Just don't push it
-Frynge giggles a bit to himself as things appear to start breaking down between these two...maybe they're a bit too alike to really get along after all...-
Phil: How rude!
Jabb: I'm awfully sorry about that
Phil: Tell me about what makes you feel successful?
Jabb: Sorry - I don't know much about what makes me feel successful
Phil: I know.
Jabb: Are you sure, guest?
Phil: Yes I'm sure.
Jabb: Well, you shouldn't believe every nonsense, my friend, haha
-Both Jabberwocks curl up and just keep on chattering happily with each other with no real battle to speak off...-
Frynge: oh this is the biggest evil of all... No Contest! Augh! And since neither one's breaking rules, it's not like I can call ELIZA in on them...um...
Phil: ...Because you can trust me.
Jabb: Why should I trust you?
Phil: Because I have your best interests at heart.
Jabb: You must have a goal on your life
Phil: Would you lie to me?
Jabb: Thanks for your criticism, guest
Phil: You're welcome.
Jabb: I guess so. I think it's time for a new subject...
-Frynge looks to the cambot with just about the most hopeless look ever. The crowd is growing restless, shouting and booing-
Frynge: What am I supposed to do? -looks aside- ELIZA, what should I do?
ELIZA: Have you asked anyone else?
Frynge: Nope, you're the first one I'll ask.
ELIZA: What makes you think I am the first one you'll ask?
Phil: ...Just keep calling me Stephanie, I like that.
Jabb: Just what? Sorry, I didn't get it. So let me ask you again: What's your name?
Steph: My name is Wytas.
Jabb: Okay, very well, I will call you wytas. What do you want to talk about?
Wytas: Call me anything you want, but don't call me late for dinner...
-People start throwing things, the crowd breaks into a riot! The Jabberwocks are laughing and having an absolute ball while Frynge runs around in a panic and eventually just out the door! oh the refunds he'll have to give...-
Frynge: -glaring at ELIZA- a fat lot of help you were!
ELIZA: We were discussing you, not me.
Frynge: ...-sigh- at least you're an emulation of a rogerian psychotherapist...I'm going to need it after this.
LOSER: Frynge. ;.;
See you next match...if my lab is still intact that is... ;.;