Sapphire had woken up for the day her daddy near her in a super thick fully used pawpers, she had smiled and got up walking into the kitchen to see a cake for her birthday that said 22 so she decided to take a bite, but as she took a bite she started to get smaller and end up on the floor in nothing but a thick puppy diaper! As she looked up at the cake it now said 4! she had blushed and noticed her daddy come in and pick her up off the floor petting her head and smiling before saying "Happy Birthday my little stinky puppy, you're 4 years old again" and with that Sapphire let loose a massive filling in her own puppy pawper as her daddy cuddled her in his arms, What a beautiful birthday for the puppy.
My official birthday was December 9th and my fur brother was so kind to make this as a gift for me and my daddy.