Here is a fan-made Roidmude I created just for the hell of it.
This is Signal-Roidmude シグナル・ロイドミュード, a kaijin that can control humans with his traffic-light signals. I made him as an evolved form of Roidmude-039 (Spider-Type) since he was destroyed without having a evolved form for himself. like all Spider-Type Roidmudes, the way Signal uses his signals is based on the way Peacock-Spiders use their body colors.
Here's the show-bio on Roidmude-039: Roidmude 039 ロイミュード039 was a Low-Class Spider-Type スパイダー型 Roidmude. It was in this form the Roidmude perished having never been given the opportunity to evolve.