That one second from the left... what is it? I dunno but I wants it. It's super adorable, the only one who's game face is a smirk. Reminds me of someone I know. Cx
Seriously, though, this rocks! 82nd all the way!!! All-Americans!! Hoo-ah!!! Also loving the title reference to military culture and that you got the WWII ranks and badges perfect! I've always thought your miltary-themed pics were awesome because for some reason your style just pulls out the gritty feel of military situations so well. (Gay Bomb is still one of my ultimate favorites!) =^u^=
Anyways, thanks for sharing, I got a good chuckle out of this one. C:
PS. I Should also mention those boobs are 100% salute-worthy. xD
That one second from the left... what is it? I dunno but I wants it. It's super adorable, the only o
Never thought I'd see the 'fuck me' patch on a furry porn site, but then again it probably fits better than I thought it would. I like the rabbit, for obvious reasons, however the mouse is cute and I appreciate his camo pattern.
Never thought I'd see the 'fuck me' patch on a furry porn site, but then again it probably fits bett
Really well done! I don't know how much time you spent looking into proper uniforms, gear, etc. but it seems you've done your research. Plus, each figure seems like they could have their own proper back-story and personality.
Really well done! I don't know how much time you spent looking into proper uniforms, gear, etc. but
Great picture! You were spot-on with the details of the airborne troops' uniforms. But a couple of codicils about the female, though. Women never actually served in Airborne units in WWII. They served in the medical corps, the W.A.C.'s (Women's Army Corps), and the W.A.A.C.S.P.'s (Women's Army Air Corps Service Pilots, later W.A.S.P.'s, Women's Air Force Service Pilots.) And of course, her uniform is definitely not army issue. Then again, if she were regulation, it'd totally spoil the theme of the artwork. Military uniforms are never this sexy.
*Great picture!* You were spot-on with the details of the airborne troops' uniforms. But a couple of