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by Yiffox
Breaking news!  She shot herself several times in back of head.  Only mysteriously thing about this was there was a swarm of flies around her with gloves on


humor 5,833, parody 4,657, politics 472
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 8 years, 1 month ago
Rating: General

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8 years, 1 month ago
fake cause it would've been over the news, this is red flagged for false news
8 years, 1 month ago
its called a joke, OBVIOUSLY, im implying flies killed Hillary....unlike the 2 children her family killed back in arkansas to cover up CIA drug running into arkansas airport...2 kids fell asleep on railroad tracks  ..one of the LONG list of clinton kill list
8 years, 1 month ago
the clintons are only 3rd worst family in american history to me... 1. Morgans. 2. Rockefellers.  3. Clintons. 4. Bushes ( Barbara Bush herself a case could be made she was sired by Aleister Crowley himself) 5. Obamas   ...Lincoln himself would be distant 6th just cuz so long along, but he was just a criminal himself....so democrat/republican leanings here....just who is awful
8 years, 1 month ago
yikes the crackpot conspiracy just writes itself
8 years, 1 month ago
None of this is conspiracy theory.  People have repeatedly been killed especially in arkansas where they had a coroner they protected who would consistently say they were suicides and refuse to do autopsies and the LONG list of crimes she personally did mentioned in video are all documented.  My favorite is them stealing white house china and furniture upon leaving white house
8 years, 1 month ago

Fam this is my receipt for your last thing there, but in all seriousness, you give me proof it's not conspiracy theories and then I will happily believe you. For now, I am going to remain sceptic.
EDIT: BTW I am not saying you're lying, and I'm sorry if it comes off that way, but I'm not gonna make any opinion decisions until you back ya stuff up with reputable sources friendo
8 years, 1 month ago
snopes is notoriously liberal biased site  http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Story?id=121856&page=1  there's the actual news story in which people who actually gave some of those items were quoted as intending them to stay in white house and not have the clintons take them.  Further they started removing some of the items a year before they were out of office.  They repaid 86,000 and returned $28,000 of china and furniture either because it did not belong to them or to avoid a bigger scandal of $190,000 total
8 years, 1 month ago
mate for a pretty gay furry you're quite the conservative crackpot :/

mad ting yo
8 years, 1 month ago
>Discussing politics on a furry porn website
8 years, 1 month ago
more than half of the art here isn't even porn buddy
8 years, 1 month ago
You think people come here for the fan art?
8 years, 1 month ago
yikes fam just cause you're a porno freak don't mean we all are
8 years, 1 month ago
but 90% of the things looked at repeatedly are porn....just glaze your vacant brain dead stare at most popular and see what percentage is nonporn
8 years, 1 month ago
again...because I think clinton committed numerous crimes, insider trading, stealing from white house, bribery, etc I'm a crackpot, and that they might have killed people to get away with it.....ya know some people went to jail for those crimes in arkansas and then bill pardoned them.  They are definately the most crooked family in presidential history, and if you want to say I'm a crackpot, because I know the facts....  and i don't consider myself conservative....part of a hegelian dialectic used since the 1900s.  Its more progressive vs libertarian at this point.  But again thanks for the insults rather than refuting anything I said.  Typical of you crackpot liberals, attack the person or discredit them rather than talk about facts. WOW
8 years, 1 month ago
nope Beelzebub is lord of the flies.

Kinda a sucky title. Better than lord of the dance though.
8 years, 1 month ago
Oh, like the guy who had dirt on the Clintons back in the 80s who mysteriously suicided himself by holding the gun in an impossible position?
8 years, 1 month ago
which one are your referring to?  :P
8 years, 1 month ago
I only heard of the one and I don't retain names very well.
8 years, 1 month ago
8 years, 1 month ago
Wow, sad to see that there are even people like this on inkbunny.   Clinton didn't personally kill more people than the trail of tears, she's not a lizard person, and Obama's not from Kenya, hate to tell you.  This shit wasn't true in 1992 when the Republican party was accusing the Clinton's of killing Vince Foster (among thousands of others, it seems) and it's not true now.
8 years, 1 month ago
nice of you to add extreme exaggeration to produce a false argument.  She probably did kill anyone personally, but their administration has a lot of bodies that seem to fall dead around it and what I accused her of was breaking a lot of laws, personally and as an administration, as well as personally trying to use government to enrich themselves.  Those are pretty much facts, shame you can't admit it.  Obama is from Hawaii, BUT he did renounce his citizenship and claim he was a muslim according to school documents from Indonesia, but you do not hear THAT on the press.
8 years, 1 month ago
yeah, k then.  you go with that.   I'm sure it's all just a big main stream MSM media conspiracy and hillary is literally worse than stalin.  Great to see that even kooks exist on here.
8 years, 1 month ago
no its documented.  so many crimes are documented....but you never hear them about...how bout her investing $1000  getting $100000 back...cuz 1000% is usual as performed by their current sponsors one of the tyson family....do you even know the history of the clintons they totally went back on everything they believed in and sided with their opponents to rewin the governor's mansion?  how bill spent time in russia? etc  there is so much crooked stuff about them its unbelievable...but as goebbels said...just tell big lies
8 years, 1 month ago
she committed actual crimes...people went to jail for them, somehow they got off, then bill pardoned them...that was way back in arkansas....no conspiracy...PEOPLE WENT TO JAIL FOR DOING SAME THINGS SHE AND BILL DID. BILL's BROTHER went to jail for doing supposedly more cocaine than he did.  If You want to excuse it, they had connections and got off...

me and roommate were discussing how somehow teddy kennedy got off after drunk driving and putting a girl underwater, which he claimed if reported early enough, she would have been saved. 2 hrs underwater in airpocket....but cuz kennedy and knew local judges, no jail time, became a senator.  My mum did not get child support back in um 70s for first 4 children, cuz her ex knew the judge.


my lawsuit against police where they falsely arrested and won a $100,000 settlement....the news didnt want to report it, they supposededly fired 1 person, when 4 people were in on fixing evidence. 1 falsified police report to get me in jail (I was arrested 5 seconds after asking am i free to go, am i being detained....for saying I would report this in morning)  they edited the video. even the dispatcher call...lost all the other 5 cars videos, AND THE LOG OF WHO DELETED THEM, which had to be kept per policy.

then a judge let the officer who did the mentioned crimes off, cuz getting fired is good enough.

the system is rigged for those connected..  ^^  that is just how its rigged for a cop...imagine the governor
8 years ago
8 years, 1 month ago
That escalated quickly
8 years, 1 month ago
yeah i was talking to someone online tonight....he's a genius too....he wants to quit life....and i told him...as geniuses...theres either 2 courses...either we treat u like pets....aww look the lil pet wants to support a criminal....or we be empathetic and go for the story...u lil pets have stories, each and every one of you....that is the prize for me.  sorry if this sounds condenscending, but as a 10 yr old diagnosed my brother with appendicitis by touching, no clue how I did that.  Just the numerous facts in my head.Prolly saved his life, cuz they thought it was stomach ache.  SUPPOSEDLY as a 4th grader....my 4th grade teacher thot I was retarded.  Learned this after...my adult version would have chewed him for how he treated kids, I cried in his class.  But story goes....we went to planetarium and I corrected the guide....totally do NOT remember this as a 4th grader...was not memorable to me.  Apparently I spoke up and said, your wrong.  But at 4th grade I wanted to be an astrophysicist when I grew up XD yah that what most 4th graders aspire too....I do remember this black haired kid who showed me stuff on black holes....his name is lost...sadly
8 years, 1 month ago
just to show how smart i am......frankly i thot was beneath me, too easy....but in college i show an alt theory of reality via tachyonics, this was purely for a story to an actualy physyicst and he went ummm ok dat could work....involved the concept of negative energy...aka tachyons are - time, so - energy must exist also  really complicated XD and this was just a whim for a story when I was 19
8 years, 1 month ago
i could dumb it down...   mass + time = energy  E=Mc2 so -time+mass= -energy...I just went further in fictiopn with particles associates with them and I showed this to physicist and he as said was like yeah
8 years, 1 month ago
look above someone calling me autistic after couple thousand artwork and comics i wrote and drew and animations to boot
8 years, 1 month ago
but sadly i question EVERYTHING....so evolution wrong...severely question geology and core of earth....much of astrophyshysics...most seems wrong  and they KNOW ITS WRONG
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