Guess some moron shot Roadie with a rocket launcher or something explosive, since his clothes are gone and there's fire everywhere.
And on that note... *Fires up Glass Shield Cloak and gets behind a wrecked APC with my Huras Kubrow, Emiko.* I'm stayin' behind cover if you don't mind. Don't wanna be caught in that crossfire.
Guess some moron shot Roadie with a rocket launcher or something explosive, since his clothes are go
-Rapidly dodges each strike thanks to the Quicksilver Reflex Booster and my Radar.- Hey! I didn't shoot him! -Extends Toxic Claws from my Cybernetic Right arm.- Do Not make me hurt you! >;C
*-Rapidly dodges each strike thanks to the Quicksilver Reflex Booster and my Radar.-* Hey! I didn't