Behold my pride and joy. I've been waiting to share this one for a couple months now. I actually had this printed and outfitted into a real body pillow, and it's indescribably beautiful. I'm not kidding when I say these have been the best nights of sleep I've ever had. My favorite commission by far, and easily one of my favorite items I have ever or will ever own.
This is half the resolution of the source image. Sorry, but I want to be the only one with this print. It's still very big, though!
Originally, I was going to also have him in a tank top for the clothed one, but it made him look a little too gay. With just the underwear, it was similar enough that I was able to forego any extra fees from both the artist during commission, and the printing company when applying color correction fees.
Originally, I was going to also have him in a tank top for the clothed one, but it made him look a l