Following the advice/feedback I received from past works. I took and impressionist approach with the background. Digitally painting and blurring it by hand with minimal detail to make it seem as if it's being looked at from a glance. The character was drawn and rendered by hand using the brush tool. As were the textures for the Plant Creature on the right and her hair. The god rays in the back were also done by brush and added mainly to help with the color values of the background. So that the image reads better. While I am cutting done on the number of layers used, this one still ended up a bit close to 90 when I probably could have reduced that to around 50 or lower with more layer sharing for the different parts of her Dress and hat. While the other WotFS portraits show the characters with their weapons. This one was a bit different due to the nature of Spring's powers (control over plants and plant-creatures). So this one instead has a secondary focal point, the little plant snake to the right that I mentioned earlier. Normally this is something you should avoid when it comes to composing a scene for a pic. But I felt it was kind of necessary and I think it turned out well though I'll find out for sure after looking over the feedback.
Total Layers used: 84 (no masks as usual)
Fleurette Eliane a.k.a Spring Age: 25 Gender: Female Species: Faery- Dryad Job Class: Wise Caster Bio: A skilled Wise Caster from the nation"Rosa" and former member of a Guild of Nobles called "Silent Thorn". After quitting the guild due to mistreatment from their leader and fleeing the country. Fleurette learned about Vivians new guild after seeing flyers posted around "Alexander City" Mel Dine. Impressed by Fleurette's incredible use Earth and Wind Spells and her control over plant life. Vivian hired her as their "Spring" member. While she's great friends with Vivian and Rin (Winter). She doesn't get along well with Abbigail (Autumn). Partly due to Abbigail's tendency to use her plants as target practice for her Wind and Dark Spells. Fleurette is often very quite. Rarely ever speaking, even to those close to her. Which tends to aggravate Abbigail. Despite this, she's a very cheerful and mostly spends time tending to her plants. Despite being the "Spring" member, she tends to favor gothic style black dresses with very few bright colors if at all. Fleurette or "Spring" as she's often called by her friends. Specializes in Earth spells and has the power to control plant life. Combined with being very handy with Wind and Water Spells and being able to cast spells remotely using the plants she controls, She is able to often over whelm her opponents very quickly in Forests and Jungles. When she was in "Rosa" as a member of "Silent Thorn" She was known as "La Forêt Noire Sorcière". Though she never was very fond of that title.
Personality Tropes: at her best she's quite but perky very friendly towards others, at her worst she's harsh towards those that harm plants unnecessarily and dislikes reckless Fire users, Usually she's quite timid and very sincere.