Nilla and Lili were at their daycare. They were sitting on the floor playing with blocks. They both had on diapers with really cute designs on them. Lili had little lightning bolts on her diaper, and Nilla had berries on hers. "I really like your diaper!", said Nilla. "It really fits your type." "Thanks. yours looks good on you," said Lili." diapers are so fun to wear!"
She was thinking for a moment. "Hey, y'know what would be really fun?", she asked Nilla. "Huh? what is it?", Nilla asked, wondering what Lili was getting exited about. "Hehe, follow me!" Lili said. Then she led Nilla along.
They stopped at a couple of large crates with packs of diapers in them. "I was thinking, let's put on lots of diapers at once!", said Lili. " We can make a competition out of it. These diapers are really stretchy and strong. It'll be fun!"
Nilla loved that idea. "Sounds good. But what should the winner or loser get?" she asked. Lili had to think about it. "I know!", she said. "The first one to have one of their diapers rip has to put worms in their diaper!"
"ooh, gross," said Nilla. "OK, you're on!"
Nilla and Lili took a couple packs of diapers and headed to a bigger room. They took out a couple diapers and prepared to start. Some others were watching them. "How do you know that no grown-ups are gonna find out?" asked Nilla. "Don't worry about that. Let's start now," said Lili. Then they each took a diaper in their hand and counted down together. "Alright. Three,two,one,go!"
They started rapidly putting on diapers. First they were double diapered, then triple diapered, then quadruple diapered. The more diapers they put on, the harder it got for them to move. They were up to 30 when suddenly one of Nilla's diapers ripped.
People started clapping and cheering. Nilla smiled at Lili and Lili smiled back. "hah, I win!", said Lili somehow calm and playfully. "Now, let me go get those worms."
Lili went outside and came back in a couple minutes later with a box full of worms. "Alright, now open your diaper," said Lili. Nilla pulled the front of her diaper and let Lili pour some worms in.
The worms wriggled inside Nilla's diaper. "Ooh, this feels weird," she said. She was doing a funny little dance as the worms tickled her from inside her diaper. "That actually looks kinda fun! let me try!", said Lili. She put the rest of the worms in her diaper. Then they both danced around playfully with their diapers full of worms.