" I just..ended up getting in my own way again. I always do....I suppose that's why I'm a problem..why I'm a bad person. "
" That is truly sad, because beneath all those layers of doubt and self-superstition, I see a whole world of good in you....so..which one is it then? "
" I...I don't know..."
Don't mistake yourself here. This is your home. It's in your head. It's in your heart. It is here. Not out there. No one can give you the truth about who or what you think you are. They can't take away home from you. They can't lock you out of home, and you can't lose the key. Please..don't tell yourself that you don't belong here. How could you not..? There are many truths in this world, and I hope that the ones you decide upon will not be against you. Don't give up on you just yet. Love takes time.