Date: Year 1008 of Princess Celestia's Reign, June 1st
Time: 8:08 AM
Location: Ponyville, Equestria
Hello, my name is Prof. Prodigy least, that's what everyone calls me. You see, I haven't the slightest idea who I am. For eight years, I have been working hard to reclaim the lost memories of my past as well as try to finally get some answers to questions that plagued my mind so much each night: Who am I? Why does the feeling of being an alicorn seem foreign to me? Why does my cutie mark seem to steer other ponies away from me? This journal entails many important moments in my life as well as the many letters I have sent to Princesses Celestia and Luna during the eight years I have been staying in Ponyville. I just hope that whoever is reading this is able to put together the pieces that I was not. I'm no longer here now but maybe, JUST MAYBE, I will return once again....
~Final Written Message of Prof. Prodigy Skyfire