It had been around a year now since Modern Sonic had said goodbye to his younger self and a couple of months since Boom Sonic went back to his dimension and it was because of this that Modern was feeling somewhat lonely.
The young blue blur sighs as he sits on a hill near Tails' workshop. He overlooks the horizon which consisted of many green-tinted hills and palm trees and lowers his ears.
"I wish I could hang out with the other two again... they were such great company. My older self was pretty sarcastic which made me laugh and my younger self, well... he was just adorable."
Sonic soon reaches into the pocket of his hoodie and chuckles as he looks down at a photograph of all three of them posing for a camera.
((Now a secret that Modern had was that he actually really liked his counterparts... as in REALLY liked them. He always felt really comfortable around them, especially when telling them his personal secrets. They all understood each other but Modern was too ashamed into admitting his true feelings towards them...))
"I really should tell them, but... how can I? It just seems way too vain. They would probably laugh anyway..."
The blue blur sighs once again as he puts the photograph away.
"I miss you guys... please come back."
*Meanwhile, within another dimension...*
"Come on Egghead, is that the best you can do?"
An older blue blur smirks confidently as he continually home-attacks into many buzz-bombers and motorbugs, smashing them to pieces. The scientist, named Dr Eggman, growls as he attempts to shoot the blue blur with lasers.
"Dammit... just stay still, rodent!"
"Haha, just face it, Egghead... you'll never beat me!"
Eggman growls again and soon smashes his hands onto the control panel on his hovercraft. He soon makes a worried expression as the ship suddenly shoots out a huge laser towards Sonic. The blue blur smirks as he prepares to dodge it but he soon finds his foot stuck in some mud!
"Dammit! Why now?!"
Eggman watches worriedly as the laser hits Sonic. The laser soon evaporates and Sonic disappears into a puff of smoke. Eggman puts a finger on his chin.
"That wasn't supposed to happen..."
The scientist then smirks and laughs evilly, noticing that Sonic had disappeared.
"Finally, Sonic is gone!"
*In Classic's dimension...*
A younger version of Sonic smiles as he runs through the scenery of Green Hill Zone. He looks around and wags his tail as he overlooks the surroundings.
((In Classic's dimension, it was strangely quiet... no Dr Robotnik or trouble around so Classic wanted to enjoy the moment as much as he could...))
The young blue blur soon stops and looks over to a nearby field. He notices a strange-looking portal and goes over to it, putting a finger on his chin.
"What's this?" He thinks to himself. "Could it be... no, it can't be!"
Classic remembered a similiar event happening around a year ago. This was back when he first met his older self!
Remembering back on the event, Classic smiled widely and then didn't hesitate. He ran into the portal and traveled through the interior, where he would end up? Who knows...
*Back in Modern's dimension...*
Modern Sonic stands up and soon prepares to run off back towards Tails' workshop. He was about to shoot off when suddenly a bright light appeared...
"What the--?"
Modern watches as the light soon disappears and a tall figure appears. He squints his eyes, attempting to see who the figure was. Modern soon gasps as he notices a taller version of himself. The figure was a darker shade of blue, had blue arms, wore bandages and a brown scarf.
"Where the heck am I?"
Boom Sonic feels his ears twitch and turns around, noticing his younger counterpart staring at him. He smirks and gives a thumbs-up.
"Hey, long time no see!"
Soon Boom Sonic gasps as Modern runs over and gives him a hug. Modern wags his tail and nuzzles his head into Boom's scarf.
"I missed you SO much!"
Boom Sonic smiles and gently pets Modern's head with his hand.
"Aww... you really missed me that much?"
Modern soon pulls apart and blushes a little, realising that he was being a bit clingy.
"Y-yeah... I... well, I just..."
Boom notices that Modern was acting a little nervous and soon smiles and hugs him close. Modern blushes more and hugs him back, sobbing a little. Boom notices him sobbing and lowers his ears.
"I-I'm s-sorry... it j-just seems like it's been s-so long..."
Boom Sonic nuzzles Modern and gently runs his hand along Modern's muzzle. Modern gasps a little but soon realises that Boom Sonic was acting really lovingly towards him. Boom soon uses his finger in order to wipe away Modern's tears.
"Hey, it's ok. To be honest, I missed you too..."
"Y-you did?"
Boom Sonic nods and whispers into his ear.
"I REALLY missed you. I just wanted to hold you in my arms again..."
Modern blushes brighter and nuzzles his head into Boom's scarf, feeling safe.
"Me too... in fact I... there's something I wanna tell you."
Boom looks down at him, curiously.
"Oh? What is it?"
"I... the truth is... I lo--"
Before Modern could finish his sentence, a huge portal opens up near their position. Boom gasps and pulls Modern away from it, protecting him from the portal's shockwave.
"What is this?"
"I d-don't know..."
Both hedgehogs watch closely as a small figure emerges. The figure is revealed as Classic Sonic!
Modern and Boom both smile widely, noticing their younger counterpart.
Classic Sonic looks around his surroundings and soon flinches as he runs over to a nearby tree. He hides behind it, not realising that there was no threat.
Classic soon feels his ears perk up. He looks over and notices two other azure-coloured hedgehogs looking at him. The two older hedgehogs run over to him and notice that Classic was hiding more behind the tree. Classic was confused about what was going on and he was afraid that it was some sort of trick that Robotnik had set.
Modern soon kneels down and holds his hand out.
"Hey... don't be afraid. It's us..."
The young blue blur tilts his head and soon peeks out from behind the tree. He notices the two figures looking at him and slowly walks forward. He reaches his hand out and holds Modern's, smiling up at him.
Modern wags his tail rapidly before picking up Classic and hugging him close.
"I missed you so much too, Mini-Me!"
Classic smiles and wags his tail, nuzzling into Modern's chest. Boom soon walks over and cuddles Modern and Classic together.
"It's good to see you again, little guy... and I'm so glad that we can all be together again!"
Modern purrs softly as Classic continues to nuzzle into Modern's chest. Modern soon places Classic down and watches as Classic runs over to Boom Sonic's legs. He hugs one of them and looks up, wagging his tail.
Boom chuckles and picks up Classic before giving him a cuddle. Classic soon nuzzles his head into Boom's scarf.
"Still as cute as I remember..."