O.O Hummm Sorry there just something about this pic that's bugging me! It looks like Fifi was practicing kicking and Bimbette just slip up and about to fall.
Maybe it just me! Sorry! V v V
And Fifi is looking at something else be sides her!
O.O Hummm Sorry there just something about this pic that's bugging me! It looks like Fifi was prac
Yeah, there are some problems with this one. But... it was drawn in about an hour... which is really fast. This was a commission that I did on stream. They are cheap but fast... so they are prone to more mistakes. Though I did not notice she wasn't actually looking at Bimbette. :)
Not to say I don't like constructive criticism I do. Those are all valid observations. I wanted to give some context as to why the mistakes were there. If this was off the stream or I did this on my own, I would've fixed those problems before I started inking.
Yeah, there are some problems with this one. But... it was drawn in about an hour... which is really