in my experience with any kind of demon's seal is that it's more there for the protection of those who cast it and limits what harm if any the demon can do to it's master/summoner..... wonder if this turns out bad.
in my experience with any kind of demon's seal is that it's more there for the protection of those w
Depends on the individual, their purpose, and in most cases, their will towards the entity they are summoning. If one is evoking or demanding audience, then you better have a circle because you're disrespecting the forces you are dragging forth. If you are invoking, or calling forth, then the circle is a sign of fear and mistrust which can come across as weakness and insulting.
It's kind of like inviting someone into your house and holding onto a gun in your pocket in front of them at all times. Regardless, if anyone chooses to deal with a non-corporeal entity, there must be an understanding these things wait out life, and word has it that their memory is quite articulate.
Depends on the individual, their purpose, and in most cases, their will towards the entity they are