To most other people, that was a word that was associated with happiness.
But to Tails, it was more of a mystery...
Tails was an orphan. He had no recollection of who his parents were, and no possessions left to him. Of course, there was Sonic. But that was more of a big brother thing. Plus, he wasn't around that often these days.
Every time Tails walked through a city, or in a park, or wherever people congregated, one sight always stuck out in his mind. Parents and children. It seemed like no matter where he looked, he'd always see a mother and son, or father and daughter, happily playing together. That was a feeling he was unfamiliar with.
But, fortunately for him, it wouldn't be a mystery forever.
One of his friends, Cream, had a lovely, kind, gentle mother named Vanilla. And it was the young rabbit's idea for the three of them to go out somewhere, so as to help Tails, who had been getting stressed lately, get his mind off his work for a little bit.
It was a fun day for all three of them. But as the sun slowly crawled across the sky, Tails felt that sadness again. Vanilla and Cream were great friends, but that's all they were. Friends...
Before he knew it, he was crying again. And when Cream asked what was wrong, Tails spilled out all of his feelings.
Before he knew it, he felt Vanilla's hand gently hold the back of his head, and another hold his own, as well as Cream's hand on his back.
"We can be your family, Tails..."
His tears flowing freely, Tails gripped onto Vanilla's dress, feeling both the mother and daughter's soothing hands on him. While it would take a little while for his tears to finally stop, he felt warm inside... A feeling that Vanilla and Cream would always be there for him if he ever needed them...
"So this is what a family feels like..."
Decided to try something SFW for once.
Every Sonic fan has their own headcanons about the way the characters interact with each other. Most often, I see people pairing Tails and Cream together romantically. And while I think that is adorable, I don't really see it that way, mainly due to them being too young, as well as a lack of onscreen interactions. Honestly, I saw more of a connection between Tails and Marine in Sonic Rush Adventure.
So, my little headcanon is that Tails and Cream have a more brother/sister relationship going on. And of course, that would make Vanilla a surrogate mother to Tails as well. And I find the three of them being close together like this even cuter than a romance. And potentially laying the groundwork for the three-way "friends with benefits" relationship in Sex Education.
Had a couple of issues with this one. For one thing, the more natural model for Vanilla has no faceposing, and no way to move the mouth from one side of her muzzle to the other. So I headswapped it with KabalMystic's model, which is much better for that.
Secondly, My poor lappy froze after I finished with these images, and I had to force a restart. Seems fine now, but it worries me that this thing keeps crapping out on me.
Maybe I should consider trading in for a newer model.
(Then I can play Overwatch at last. :D)
Tails and Cream models ripped from Sonic Generations by RTB and ApocHedgie.
Vanilla model created by Nibroc-rock, and ported to SFM by Suroguner
Curvy Vanilla (the head anyway) created by KabalMystic
source filmmaker
cream the rabbit
tails the fox
vanilla the rabbit
tails miles prower
sonic (series)
8 years, 4 months ago
24 Oct 2016 13:50 CEST
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