Here is another film that I got to watch during the same week that my friends and I saw The Wild Life and I can tell ya, it was a much better film than the Wild Life. a bit flawed, but still good. lets get down to why
Story: So the Storks no longer deliver babies but deliver packages for CornerStore. Junior is being promoted to Boss by his late boss Hunter, who tells him to fire their only human worker Tulip, who doesn't have it in his heart to do so and sends her to a disabled part of the factory to work in the "Mailroom" then their is the plot with a boy named Nate who is very lonely during playtime since his parents are much to busy with work. So he sends away for a baby brother from the stork delivery service, which gets sent to Tulip into the baby creating machine (don't ask XD) and accidently creates a baby. Junior and Tulip must deliver the baby to her new family before Hunter finds out. This film has some awkward pacing when it comes to the events that take place in the film. It can get very chaotic for some people, including myself, not to mention it's writing can be a bit wonky with some groan worthy jokes, some do work in my opinion, but others might not find it all that hilarious. If their is one thing I think this film is good at, it's the heart of the film. What starts out as an awkward relationship between Tulip and Junior turns into a rather bonding and relatable friendship that almost turns out to get a bit on the parental side and can create some heartwarming moments. The family in the film goes through a heartwarming bond as the events take place for the family preparing for the baby to arrive, even if the parents don't believe that the stork delivery doesn't exist. While some of it's comedy might not be the best the industry has to offer, the film still has a good sense of heart
Characters: First off, we have Junior (Andy Samberg, Brent from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs) who is to become the new boss of the company he works for until a baby enters his life that he has to deliver before his boss find out. Speaking of boss, Hunter (Kelsey Grammer, Cheers, Fraiser) is the man incharge until he is given the chance to become a chairman of the company. Tulip (Katie Crown, Spliced, Total Drama Island) is the human girl who was kept under the companies wings when an incident with a stork went wrong. Nate (Anton Starkman, American Horror Story) is a young boy who dreams of having a baby brother (with ninja skills) to have somebody to play with when his parents were to busy to pay attention to him. Pigeon Toady (Stephen Kramer Glickman, Big Time Rush) is the annoying villain character who tries to be cool and be noticed. Of all the characters in this film who serve a great backbone, both Tulip and Junior along with Nate and his mom and dad share the emotional parts of the film where the story writes them all starting off flawed, but works their way to becoming close with one another. If their is one character that really gets on my nerves, its Pigeon Toady. Sure, he has a few funny parts, but by god this guys voice really makes me want to shove a chainsaw up my ear and push power. He likes to point out the obvious in each scene and it kind of ruins the joke that they try to play off of and that's never a good thing. and his overuse of the word BRO really grinds my gears. The characters who work, do work, but characters like Pigeon Toady should be flattened beneath the hammer of unruly characters.
Animation: The animation worked on in this film was by Sony Pictures Imageworks. Now before you pull out your pitchforks and go Animat on me, let me just clarify. It's Sony Pictures Imageworks who does the Animation for Sony Pictures Animation, not SPA does animation for itself. With that said, I can say for the most part, the animation done here is nicely rendered. characters do have a cartoony appearance like a Sony Pictures Animation film, but they are not as exaggerated like in Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. characters still move in a fast-paced style, but not so much that it's uncanny like in Cloudy, that being said, this film does have a nice sense of character animation, but it's environments could use a lot of work. lots of darker colors fill this film which was more deserving of a more devised color palette like in the ending scene with the baby maker, which is a highlight in the animation when it comes to creativity. kind of reminds me of the conveyor belt scene from the Looney Tunes cartoon Baby Bottle Neck. While it does have some nice character animation and use of design, it fails to impress with some rather "blah" backgrounds.
Music: I will give this film credit, it knows how to mix up some diverse musical cues when it comes to its situations like during a chase or a heartwarming moment, and what do you know? unlike the Wild Life, it knows how to make use of it's orchestra turning off, during the part where the baby is being taken away by penguins, Tulip and Junior come to fight them off, but also fight quietly since the baby is sleeping, so its only a barely audible lullaby tune as they fight quietly punching and biting one another and screaming in pain into pillows, it's quite hilarious. The music was done by the duo of Mychael Danna and Jeff Danna (The Good Dinosaur) whos work shows that they can work off of something like Good Dinosaur and be able to play around with other musical genres.
In the longrun, I give this film a a 7 out of 10. To most people they may not be able to get past its flaws such as annoying characters like Pigeon Toady and the convoluted story writing. For the most part, I do like this film despite it's flaws even if I do hate those, I still think it's a valiant effort
warner animation group
8 years, 4 months ago
20 Oct 2016 00:39 CEST
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