Felix: Yes, Judy? *keeps his attention on his notepad*
Judy: There's a couple of questions I have been meaning to ask y- *gets cut off*
Felix: *looks at Judy* Let me just stop you right there. Yes, my butt is real. It ran in the family and due to so, I've always been mistaken as a girl. I have lost count of how many times I have been groped or spanked and quite frankly don't care anymore. I have been hit on by many men outside of the workforce and within the workforce, but to make it bluntly, it hasn't been "touched" by anyone. Because of my feminine frame, I am quite adept at crossdressing, so I am mostly the undercover guy around here. And I'm apparently on the ZPD's "Butts I Want To Own" list in 2nd place. Anything else you want to ask?
Judy: W-Wait! How did you...?
Felix: I've been on the workforce for about eight years now. I've been asked those questions too many times, so I'll let you off easy since I like you, kid. Anything else?