So a little while ago, a close friend and I were discussing on what would work for me to use as a Pokesona, and this is what was decided on! ^ ^. His character is a mixture of things I enjoy, and things I would love to do myself ^ ^.
Name: Lunar. Also goes by: Kuto, Kutopom. Age: 25 (DOB: 29/1/1991) Gender: Male Species: Ambipom. Brief description: Rarely without a smile. Lunar is a cheery and adventurous Ambipom that is always up for having fun with others, be it dancing the night away, or jumping out of planes as a hobby. He may be a little quiet at first, but when he warms up to others is when his full personality comes out. Sexuality: Isn't entirely sure himself. Likes: Cheesecake, dancing, skydiving, hanging out with friends. Dislikes: Loud and sudden noises.