's and this time, the funds will go for helping him out!!
Bidding lasts three days after the first bid on that critter Starting price is $10,minimum increase is $3 autobuy is $45.
Doots are a designed species created to work as drones/workers by a multinational company dabbling in genetic engineering. The most simple description of them would be to picture a hybrid between a sugar glider, and a jungle possum. Out of each profession, these were the ones that were successful, though the company failed before they were able to mass produce them.
Ving seems to be the most level headed of the trio. He is the field aid and general practitioner model, unlike the others, his saliva works as an antiseptic... and for some reason, Ving's urine contains the properties of morphine when collected correctly. Also, he's rather fond of nibbling on the gauze when nervous.
Spiro is a defective firefighting model, designed to help injured out of burning buildings and stop fires. As such, he's fireproof and has a reinforced right shoulder for breaching doors. His personality seems to be a bit sporadic and a tiny bit ditzy, especially with his tendency to carry a small squirt bottle most of the time.
Chocolate skunks:
The starting price is 7USD and minimum bid is 3$. Autobuy is at 33$ . Bidding ends 3 days after the first bid.
Jackson (chili) : Jackson is a unique fella. Everyone would expect him to be a self-centered dork, but he’s actually rather nice and caring for others. He does bodybuilding as a hobby and he loves to play online with others.
Monica (capuccino/coffee) : She is just Monica.. She tends to be hyper and seem a little crazy at times given she just won’t stand in one place! She loves sports, coffee she’s also very fond of reading fanfictions in her spare time and watch anime.
Henry (cookie and cream) : A young little skunk who has a very relaxed and collected nature. He is always polite and well-mannered. He loves to munch on cookies, enjoys classical music and is very fond of playing minigolf!
Agent Schmidt and Fred:
Starting price is $20 minimum increase of $4 and Autobuy is set at $40. Adult version: http://imgur.com/a/ckjrk