My Patreon's pinup for September, my gryphon fursona Rane. Censored version. I would totally wear an N7 speedo if I had that body. Uncensored versions will post soon.
I'm pretty flattered that so many people wanted to see a full image of him; he's the first male to win my pinup vote, and during the process, I finalized a few things about his design. Things like the feet, ear, beak style, various markings and wings, and central body colour are all at a point where I really like, hopefully making him a bit more unique than just a standard blue jay.
I love being outdoors, hiking, the woods. I grew up in Wisconsin and went to national parks quite often, so I themed this picture around such environment, and tweaked a bit of Rane to match the blue jay species specific to the region, cyanocitta cristata cyanotephra. He doesn't have any personality, backstory, etc. other than my own. He's Enjoy!