It's been a while since I discovered MLP and became a Brony. The first few months were difficult, finding that I enjoyed a show and become part of a fandom I hadn't heard much good about. I soon found most of those rumors weren't even a bit close to the truth.
Still though, I lost quite a few friends, both IRL and Online when I came out as a Brony.
Worse though, was the worry that caused me. Everytime I spoke to a friend and shared the news, I worried that they too would leave me because of it. It took all my courage to work up the nerve to tell my Online Dad the news. I was surprised when he didn't care at all, and just accepted me none the less.
He drew me this little image, and I just wanted to share it on my account as well. I love the pink he's added to my mane and tail to show a bit of my inner Filly >////<