Character Sheet for Ajax
Character Description
Ajax is one of Jake's (simipour) close friends. He was from Alola Region, currently lives in Unova now with his pals Jake and Marley (hitmontop). Ajax is a huge flirt, he is best known to take extreme caution with. If you want to keep your pants on, it is best known not to associate with him, unless you want him to do that to you of course. He is not afraid to get what he wants and is extremely good at it. Marley tends to hate it, since Ajax tries multiple times to sleep with Jake. Despite Ajax's flirty behavior, he is fun to hang with and talk to.
Ajax is easy-going, laid-back, creative, flirty, romantic
Ajax likes surfing, flirting, reading, sleeping, and Jake.
Ajax dislikes winter, spicy food, forced to wake-up, and Marley.
He is a alolan meowth with dark tone fur and gray color feet, tail, and tips of hair.
He has a hoodie with jacket completely unzipped.