Notice in the second to last panel, Chucky says he'll come and see her AFTER he solos. So despite Merry's 'Come and fuck me' call, Chucky still put his studies first. Ah the loneliness of having one's priorities in order.
Oh man if that doesn't make him Ace that Solo and fly Loop de loops I don't know what will. If I was that Skunk I do what she said focus on studies and then come get some R and R on Summer and school breaks ;)
Oh man if that doesn't make him Ace that Solo and fly Loop de loops I don't know what will. If I was
PLEASE Chucky DON'T think of her WHILE you're doing your solo..I don't want someone to have to go to her house and tell her you nosedived into the side of a mountain!
Also the perspective on the bottom panels is great and that face in the fifth..FUCK I'D jump her in a SECOND! :D
PLEASE Chucky DON'T think of her WHILE you're doing your solo..I don't want someone to have to go t
Thanks. Those were damn hard to draw. I think I did those over and over flipping the paper upside down to make them look right.
Merry has one of those 'looks' where she's easy to want. I'm not sure if I'm doing that on purpose or by accident. To get the reader into Chucky's head, I want her to seem irresistible no matter what she's doing, even if what she's doing could lead him down a questionable road.
Thanks. Those were damn hard to draw. I think I did those over and over flipping the paper upside do
Chucky now suddenly has a reason to do well on his next flight. Also, this had to really bolster his confidence. The woman he liked wanted to jump his bones.
I don't think things'd turn out well if they became more than friends, but he certainly has a chance for FWB status.
Chucky now suddenly has a reason to do well on his next flight. Also, this had to really bolster hi
A personal note on long-distance relationships. They aren't cruel, just a lot of hard work. They require a lot of commitment. A lot of staying up late or getting up early to conquer time zones. A lot of planning and preparation, and careful scheduling. Finding time throughout each other's day, just to make the other one happy. Saving up for months to visit even only for a weekend. And having the commitment to stick by your partner no matter the hardships. Is it easy? Fuck no. But nothing worth having ever is. So long as both parties are ready and willing to put in the time and effort, then it can work. The only thing cruel about any non-abusive relationship is being with someone who you feel you dont belong with, and that goes for any and all relationships.
A personal note on long-distance relationships. They aren't cruel, just a lot of hard work. They req
Ueah, I was that way too, after my first long-distance relationship with my ex, but now I found a new girl, for which I'm eager to change my life a bit and move together, even though we live in different countries. She feels like my kind of person. But boy, does it hurt to not see the loved person for so long.. T_T
Ueah, I was that way too, after my first long-distance relationship with my ex, but now I found a ne
This whole page is darn, friggin' adorable! I can't hold my d'awws, it's unstopable! x3 <3 I'm really happy to see that they've sorted things out between themselves, with quite a possible "fuck-buddies" outcome between them, Chuky really needs such a pressure relief such a Merry to blow off the steam off his groin once in a while. Hope they'll figure out something more between them too, I like Merry. Her actions are questionable, but never thought of her as a bad girl. :3
This whole page is darn, friggin' adorable! I can't hold my d'awws, it's unstopable! x3 <3 I'm reall
She's not a bad girl at all, she just makes some bad choices sometimes that have rather heavy outcomes. Chucky isn't the first person she's taken on a little roller coaster ride like this.
She's not a bad girl at all, she just makes some bad choices sometimes that have rather heavy outcom
Yeah, most of the people do the same thing. Yet some of them actually learn from the ill experiance. Guess Mary just oblivious and airheaded enough to not to learn from them. Well, hope Chuky WILL, and will help Merry get her head straight.
Yeah, most of the people do the same thing. Yet some of them actually learn from the ill experiance.
The problem he had with Merry though was that he DID ask her out early on and she said 'no', but then proceed to kiss him. So she's been this bag of mixed signals from the beginning. But you're right, he should have just said 'fuck it' and gone for her.
The problem he had with Merry though was that he DID ask her out early on and she said 'no', but the
Poor Chucky, his dick is probably going "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCCCCK!" after finding out about that night xD But defiantly nice see them back together, even if a short phone call. Panel 7 - Boner detected Captain! But now Chucky's got a mission, and full of determination! Possibly love and lust in there, but still mostly determination, to complete his flight and bang this girl! In which order, only the writer knows!
Poor Chucky, his dick is probably going "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCCCCK!" after finding out about that
Considering what happened, it's probably good he didn't end up with her. It would suck to get a relationship going, then have her have to move away and start over. Probably would've ended up even more depressed than he was.
Considering what happened, it's probably good he didn't end up with her. It would suck to get a rel
It would have made things even more stressful and distracting for him, but he doesn't know that. He's thinking about how awesome it would be to be with her.
It would have made things even more stressful and distracting for him, but he doesn't know that. He'
And we see part of why Chucky is doing well while Merry failed. He sticks to his work and stays focused. When I first read that though it felt like he was making an oath. Like when a guy vows he will seek out the woman he cares for after he has proven himself in some way to make him worthy of her. But are we going to see Chuckie's fantasy about what could have happened that night?
And we see part of why Chucky is doing well while Merry failed. He sticks to his work and stays foc
I certainly hope so. It all revolves around work and home life. I happen to get a bunch of extra free time and was able to get this page up. I might be able to get the next one up quick too.
I certainly hope so. It all revolves around work and home life. I happen to get a bunch of extra fre
Merry reminds me so much of a girl I was close friends with in college that it's a bit scary! I had many phone conversations exactly like this. She was the kind of girl who liked to say and do 'naughty' things in public just to get a rise out of people.
Merry reminds me so much of a girl I was close friends with in college that it's a bit scary! I had