So, this was a suggested idea by :iconmikeyfan93: of Dr. Quack, a doctor from the Sonic Comic series, and Muttski, the dog I don't know anything about, but is from the sonic comics too :3
The story goes as such:
Uncle Chuck is going to the hospital for a check up and tells Muttski to wait, he ignores him, never having been to the hospital before and starts wandering around. He runs into Quack, fresh out of surgery, and begins to follow him to his office. He notices and tells him to leave, before complaining about his feet. Muttski asks him if he needs a massage and he reluctantly agrees. He then dresses like him and puts more masks on him (because he's being grouchy and needs some silence) and ties the mask over his eye to cheer him up, then starts massaging the feet.
Dr. Quack and Muttski belong to Sega Art belongs to me