Because Cloysters are very underrated XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
A yuri pic that I enjoyed a lot... my first time drawing those Pokemons! (except Golduck XD) and make them my style was so funny...
aaaah Mimy, you and your pervert ideas but... seriously! Look that Cloyster!! Satosi Taijiri, on what were you thinking?? X'D
I am not a fan of "Poképorn" but... hahaaha I needed do this X'D... this can´t be considered porn.... isn´t it? O.o
I downloaded an application for playing Pokémon Red Fire on my mobile... at least I have my dear Squirtle! Now is a Wartortle X3
- Cloystoris the Cloyster - Dyke the Wartortle - Dark Bitch the Haunter - Mmmh I need a good name for that Gengar X'D - Crazy Wave the Golduck - An annonymus Shellder and Gastly