A lengthy article for an equally lengthy curing process. Here's what the article says:
"Though some residents came down with Flabneisia, Pudgy Peril Hospital's nurses did not and have discovered the cure. Curing those with Flabneisa apparently involves a multi-step process. First, the patient must wear a special suit that keeps track of their curing progress and reminds them of who they are. However, the suit must be updated throughout the day to ensure the wrong information isn't process to the patient's brain. Once the patient has worn the suit for an entire month, it's time for Jiggle Therapy. The name is derived from the process by which the data is transferred to a computer. Since mostly fatties get the disease, the suit will vibrate while the data is being copied, causing the patient's body to jiggle. Finally, the patient is asked questions about themselves and taken to the various places they enjoy to see if everything has been properly restored. The nurses hope to start curing those infected in the coming weeks."
8 years, 6 months ago
09 Sep 2016 17:11 CEST
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