This is my character Husky as a puppy. Yes, they look pretty much feral when born. Long boring description for whoever is interested:
I will give a brief (yeah, sure) insight of how Evocanis develop, in case you all automatically assume incorrectly and imagine something similar to a human baby/child. So yeah, here we go:
Evocanis are born very tiny. Normally weighing just a few ounces more than their ancestors (Canis Familiaris. Normal dogs. "feral," if you wish). Pregnancy only lasts about two months, just like their ancestors. What's fascinating about Evos is that as puppies, their appearance is virtually identical to their ancestors. Although for analytic eyes, there might be very subtle differences. The most prominent would be their dewclaw. It is large and fully functional, hinting how it will become a fully developed opposable thumb in the future. Another thing would be this very interesting energy a puppy Evo emits. It's almost as if he is staring at you and analyzing you. And you might not be far from the truth.
New born to the first month:
Evos are no different than their ancestors in appearance. After a couple of weeks they are even able to move around in four extremities, quite like their ancestors. Only their slightly chunkier legs and paws are evidence of their future change. They are noticeably much passive and calmer than regular Canis Lupus at this age, and seem to observe the world around them. This is not a misconception. An Evocanis brain is like a sponge, programed to absorb and learn all they see, smell, taste, hear and touch. This sets them apart from their ancestors and from many intelligent mammalian life forms.
Two to four months:
The rate at which Evos grow is incredible. They are almost triple the size, and their extremities and bone structure are now morphing; evolving, if you wish. Evos might have a difficult time trying to adapt and move with their new anatomy. They are now less active, fully immersed in everything that surrounds them.
Six to eight months:
Evos are now half the size, or up to two thirds of their adult counterparts; their body is now indistinguishably of an Evocanis. They are more active and playful, now that they are free to move, and most likely are used to walking upright. They might move on all fours for running though. They are now aware of themselves and those who surround them. Evos at this age now show emotions and expressions. Although unable to speak they do communicate by whimpering and barking just like their ancestors. Evo's brain has now increased its capability of learning at an outstanding level. Evos are capable of understanding full sentences and basic language structure, as well as performing basic functions.
A year to a year and a half:
Evos are almost fully grown by this time. They still show puppy features, such as the thin and soft fur, and their teeth which are still mostly baby teeth. They still communicate by barking and whimpering, but first attempts of speaking occur now. Evos now fully understand everyone else, are fully self-aware of themselves and all that surrounds them. They know they are Evos and where they are. The genetic manipulation the Evocanis race went through altered their brain, and programed it to learn almost instantly. Evos this age have a craving for information and now is the time to introduce them to the Learning Enhancers. These are devices placed on their heads which amplify the capability of the brain to absorb and retain information. During short daily sessions, information is flooded into their brains. Basics about nature, science, engineering, astronomy and even reading their language are infused into them. What would take another race years to learn and retain, takes Evos just weeks or months at most.
Two to Three years:
Evos are now fully grown and indistinguishable from adults. Their puppy fur has been shed and their adult teeth have replaced the baby ones. They have now learned everything they need to. Their vocal cords have are now fully developed and they are able to speak fluently. It might be difficult to distinguish males from females, as they have yet to mature sexually and their voice is soft and high-pitched.
Four to Six years:
Evos have now matured sexually. They are now fully grown and developed adults. Their beautiful life as Evocanis has now officially started. Evos are now free to do whatever they want to. They can choose living their life as is, with no worries or obligations. No one will ever expect or demand anything from them. Or as inquisitive as Evos are, they might choose to learn even more. Some might choose to get a more intense training on engineering, science, medical studies and such. These training are much complicated and are done at a slower pace, so it might take them probably as much as they have lived to accomplish it. Soon, another medic, scientist or even a Zone Manager will emerge. Who knows... maybe even a brave new member from the D.E1 Squad... Even if it does not happen, another precious Evocanis life has been added to the wonderful world that it is Canis Major...
tHanks if you read this :)
Art, character and concept by me
siberian husky
8 years, 6 months ago
06 Sep 2016 02:18 CEST
Initial: c284cbf9a362f63aac233d425c61a958
Full Size: 7a17c4d03bc6f552a4a09738024ad035
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