In this picture Kiba is a little bit older in this picture he is 4 years old in this and bin going to Preschool and bin potty train for a few mouths and came up with a story with this picture plz enjoy
Kiba haven't bin feel to well as of late.So his caretaker Luna took him to see his doctor about his "constipation problem" and got him some Meds for it.Even tho Kiba has bin mostly potty-train his caretaker Luna bin sending him to Pre-k in silp-on diaper(diaper pants) so he can used the potty but have protection just in case he doesn't make it.His Teacher have bin informed at his preschool and are ok with him wearing diapers well.
Kiba was doing good for the most part all day making it to the potty,until it was time for Playtime outside,his meds start to kick in and he flag down The Boss who was work at daycare at the time and told him he need to go potty.So the two of them run back inside and make to the restroom right before Kiba has go.The boss let Kiba go to rest room by himself,but as soon as walk in Kiba loses his Saturn short exposing his diaper not wanting other cub seeing him in such babyish thing he squats down and grabs his short.But as he dose this start filling his diaper.Kiba get lost in the moment kinda enjoying fill his diaper up to max capacity.The boss knock on the door,and ask if Kiba is done going potty,and Kiba walk out and tell him done pooping.The boss sniff right away and dose a diaper check to see that he didn't make.Ok lets go get you change little stinker,good thing I got these diapers just in case.
Part 2 "As the head back into Kiba has sad look on his face and said"I really sorry Mr.Boss I try going to da potty like a big boy dat I am. But as soon as walk into the bathroom I lost my short,so I went and pick them up and.....that....when....happen Mr.Boss *Kiba blushes and poke his figures together*
"The boss pick up Kiba and rubs his head and place him on the changing table and tell him" It ok Little man I understand that gave your best effort Kiba,and bin doing so well potty-training getting all your pee-pee in the potty.But when I saw come out of the restroom just a moment ago,that you really happy be in that full diaper.I think for the rest of that day that you don't need to worry about the making it to the potty ok.*Kiba just blushes even more and poke hid figure paw back together*
And your caretaker Luna also told us that we need give you another pill for you help go potty as well.*Kiba just nods and sigh*
"As the boss get to work, he un-tape his diaper and get to work cleaning up him up and used lots of wipe and ball up the used diaper,and gets to work on putting the new diaper,but as he doing this he stick the 2nd pill up his bum,and tape up the his new diaper nice and sung and help him put on his shorts again.
Oh by the way Kiba,your Caretaker Luna won't be able pick you up today.I ask if was alright with her I take back to my place and help me with other job.You see my other job is making diapers for all ages and the diaper I put you in is new diaper that we are test see how well it handles full diapers.
*Kiba blushes a little and crinklewags and nods*okie
I glad you like I thought need some tweaking after I saw the picture,I like your Boss charterer he a lot fun I like do more picture with him in further
I glad you like I thought need some tweaking after I saw the picture,I like your Boss charterer he a