Yetinur explained:
At the dawn of the world there was only the sky and the sea. The spirits of the sky and the sea came together and bore children. Those that were born female became The Gaia, the spirits of life and for each one that was born a stretch of land rose from the sea and flourished with life. Those that were born male however became The Yetinur, what we now know as The Old Men, the spirits of destruction.
The Old Men are fierce storm fairies. They are extremely powerful at controlling the weather and capable of destroying huge areas of land the size of whole counties in one sitting. They are so powerful they are often worshiped as gods by man though normally out of fear rather than appreciation. Capable of growing to a gigantic size so they can see long distances, when they are on the warpath you'll certainly know about it, even from several miles away. They have a loud roar that can be deafening and their breathe causes huge winds that can strip the land bare of life. They are extremely territorial and possessive of the things they own and will take what they want. They generally live in just one area and due to their hatred towards man it's usually an area of untouched wilds. They can be appeased by offering sacrifices to them as a form of bribe but even then your safety isn't guaranteed as they can attack on a whim anyway though normally if something else has aggravated them. It's worth noting that Yetinur are not gods but simply extremely powerful spirits of the elements. Zeus of Greek mythology was inspired by the Yetinur and when the Romans made the first written forms of the bible they believed that the Jewish god was was a Yetinur and confused many of the events in the stories, including the usage of a rainbow in the Noah story and Lot's wife turning to salt in the escape of Sodom and Gomorrah. The major indicator that God is not a Yetinur is that A, he cares whether he is worshiped or not and B, his main drive is for the good of mankind. Often appearing as tornadoes, sand storms and ground level storm clouds with their face on them, they like to swallow ships, carts, people and animals via their mouth as internally the storm is much more fierce and those that hit the outside of their storms are often thrown away from it. With winds strong enough to wrench a person's limbs from their sockets, tear houses to pieces and pummel people to death with flying debris inside them, it's much better than the outside winds that just tend to lift objects and drop them again from a great height. A Yetinurs territory stretches over land and sea and those that have territory over large expanses water are particularly dangerous as they can turn the water into dangerously high waves that can crush sailing vessels. Yetinurs are more commonly known as The Old Men though usually since their territories are so large and far apart most people just refer to their local Yetinur as The Old Man or The Old Man of a certain location. They are very rarely known as a Yetinur other than to distinguish them from other old men that are people and not Yetinur.