And now for the final part of this small series! In this section, we have Zama, Yzi's little brother, working the DJ stand giving you all them sick beats for better dancer enjoyment. El'roc it seems is being taken to the private rooms for a more "up close" club experience, methinks by a certain Neapolitan colored lucario lass. But who knows?
Being taken home by an annoyed wife is the very drunk Vetom. I'm not sure what his wife, Illian, expected. This is pretty normal for him. Perhaps she hoped the lush would give a better public image on for her. Poor, poor hopes. They never stood a chance.
I want to thank everyone who allowed me to include them in these fun little group scenes! Loved putting it together and seeing all the different characters interact. Also HUGE shoutout to the amazing artist who did all these. If you haven't checked out O-kemono before, I highly suggest them.