I wonder about some of you. The quiet dears with heavy hearts. The one's with ideas in their head but they're not always empowering...they're not always true. We're all a bit busy these days but I want to spend some time with you. I hope you'll have a second now and again too because...well..we need little reminders around company.
You would be surprised. You have this power in yourself and it's a thing I call hope. Some people think you can lose it..have it vanish away on the horizons and never return. Like I said, you would be surprised. When your smile can be contagious. When your laughter can warm the air. When you even bother just to take a moment to listen to someone..or someone listen to you.
There..right there is hope..and oh goodness has it never left.
For some people it really can sound like nonsense. To be told they've genuinely been missed. That they mean more than they might believe. What can I say..? Expectations can be a cruel thing. Some of us expect no one to care. Others believe themselves to be powerless. I hope you're not feeling that way. I hope you're not telling yourself terrible things and saying that is the way it is.
I think we're all special in our own unique ways. I just happen to believe that many of us are never nurtured on the thought. We're often told terrible things or ignored. The more meaningful and deeper parts of our lives and feelings are often things that are quietly kept off the table. As if they don't belong with all the other thing's on our plates. You could starve.
If you're reading this right now, I want you to know that you shouldn't have to hide that. You shouldn't expect every soul in this whole wide world to dismiss that heart of yours. We're all special, even you...but let me tell you something. This world is like a forest, filled with a harmony of bird calls throughout it's branches. Some people believe their voices are ugly, that they're terrible, what a waste! That there are way more meaningful and beautiful calls than their own...
...oh hun...it's only beautiful because there are so many calls together. It could be better though because it's missing yours. If only the most beautiful voices called out..this world would sound so quiet. Maybe it already is deathly quiet to some of us.
There is such a thing as aggressive apathy. That point in which all the magic and pleasure of living just seems to vanish for some. Some of us establish that by experience and the moments that have lead up to now, that there is nothing left or there never was. Some of us get angry when others have that optimism because....we think it's foolish.
You don't deserve to feel that way. Maybe others haven't been good to you, but I'll be good to you. You deserve a smile, you know? If your heart has been feeling a bit cold then don't hide it away in shadow. Let a little bit of light in there, won't you? Otherwise..there truly is no hope.
Don't let the expectations take away your choices. Don't let your anger and fear decide what you will have before you have even reached out for it. Whether you realize it or not, you still have a heart. You have something magnificent, beautiful, free. If you'll have a voice in this world, and you always do..let it be the one that lifts you and others, not chains you in the mysticism of emptiness. For some of us it will never be easy..but I know you. You're strong. You've made it this far. I believe you can go so very much further on if you'll let yourself.
I've been told a lot of things in my life. A lot of us have. Some of it hasn't been good. Some of those words find me some days and make me wonder if I'll ever truly look like a good person in my eyes. The best we can do is struggle against the thoughts that hold us back. That turn our proud and strong words into breathless whispers.
I'm not going to let the past hold me back. I'm not going to let the present take away from every wonderful moment that comes next. I'm not going to let the future terrify me. I'm hoping you feel the same way too..and if you don't..come sit with me sometime. Who needs to face any of this alone? Share yourself a little. I want to hear that wonderful voice of yours.
People apologize for talking too much. For sharing too much. They're so worried what they have to say isn't good enough to even be said.
If I could take all that doubt away from you, I really would. I can't though. That..is up to you. If you don't think you're good enough to share your feelings, imagination, creativity...love.. you have to turn away from that belief some day. Just remember that I'll be here with my hands out. I'll always be halfway for you because that is as far as I will ever be allowed. Come and meet me sometime if you're feeling so worried. I promise you're worth every word.
Prove to yourself what I always knew about you. That you have a strong heart and the ability to be more than you ever believed once upon a time.
8 years, 6 months ago
27 Aug 2016 01:42 CEST
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