[PS. This is not my linework, This belongs to TheRopeBaron in deviantArt, this is a prize from him.] [PSS. I'm still alive! No need to worry. Just get a full load of duty. OMG! T_T And a lot of Prophunt maps creation, You can follow me here. http://steamcommunity.com/id/SMPTHEHEDGEHOG/myworkshop... If you're a GMOD Prophunt player, this is your heaven.]
This is cool. But. I think she need to get fix her fur color. (she's a bit.. oops! not a bit. a lot yellow.) And it goes far away to full shading. OMG.
Hope you like her, and Thanks to him who draw this for me. And also my Lapazz again. :-)
EDIT:I also found out that aspect ratio isn't good too. Her head is so oval rather than circle.(Maybe because of his monitor settings, Sorry if this make you doesn't feel good. T_T) Fixed.