I'm with you there. Surly is definitely in the top 5 of the most attractive 3D animated male characters of all time, in my opinion. I'm also looking forward to the new Watership Down on Netflix next year, and the remaking of the Secret of NIMH (in development). Just thinking about Justin in updated 3D graphics gives me a thrilling sensation.
I'm with you there. Surly is definitely in the top 5 of the most attractive 3D animated male charac
No trailer yet, but there was an official notice of its development and I read that it would be similar in 3D modeling to Alvin and the Chipmunks--combining real stage settings and live actors with 3D characters. So the lab, the farmers, the tractor, the landscape, the inside of the rose bush, are all supposedly going to be real, while the mice, rats, and other animals will all be 3D.
I just hope that they continue to call her Brisby, instead of "Frisby". I think changing her name was one of the best calls they they ever made for the original movie.
No trailer yet, but there was an official notice of its development and I read that it would be simi