Nelson and Victor were inspired by WhiteYote's picture of himself as a Paw Patrol pup and so I am back too as a diapered Paw Patrol pup nurse. And I thought I should try to do something to thanks them, so I wrote a story about a second Paw Patrol team. Thanks to WhiteYote for his proofreading and cleaning up of it.
Fiona was enjoying a book on the roof of her quarters in the Paw Patroller. There was nothing better than a relaxing day, enjoying the warm breeze coursing through Lake Town while reading a good novel. Ryder, her counterpart in Adventure Bay, had quarters in a lookout, but she had decided to not settle down like he had. She had a much wider area to cover,and her pups needed... more personal attention all the time that Ryder's team.
The twelve-year-old girl, light purple, nearly pink, wild hair, blue eyes, physically fit but with a bit of baby fat that made her look adorable, straightened her blue overalls. With her white t-shirt she could have looked like any kid in town, except for the Paw Patrol symbol embroidered in the front of the overalls. She was starting to doze a little and decided to stand up a bit so to not fall asleep. She looked around her, at the horizon.
Lake Town was a beautiful mid-sized city named for the lake that bordered it and which was twice as big as the city itself. A temperate climate made the region known for its hot summers and cold winters but the lake helped keep the area really pleasant, making this area a good tourist destination. Tourists also enjoyed the nice countryside to the east, dotted with farms and fields; and the huge forest to the west that was great for hiking. The overall area under Fiona's care was huge and justified the mobile headquarters that was the Paw Patroller. The railroad system was so big that they had a pup in a remote train station, a german shepherd with a train-related puphouse, to handle emergencies far away until the team could arrive, like Everest for Ryder’s team.
She looked down at her pups. All the puphouses had been taken out of the Paw Patroller so the crew could relax without being all cramped up inside, and set in a crescent shape facing outward. On the right was Loupy's puphouse. A pink-orange (a strange shade of orange that looked pink depending the angle you looked at it) puphouse with medical supplies on the side (including a sliding table that saw a lot of use for the pups' special needs), it turned into a fully-stocked ambulance with room for two people in the back.
Loupy himself was a really young silver wolf with white underbelly, under muzzle and paws and black hair, ears and tail tip, his blue eyes always filled with curiosity, often hidden behind glasses. Dressed in an EMT pink-orange uniform and wearing a cross-decorated pup tag, Loupy was the emergency responder and nurse of the team. A rather cute one at that, especially with the thick diapers he was constantly wearing. Fiona chuckled; her pups were pups: none of them was fully potty-trained due to physical or mental troubles and that was why they needed more supervision than others... and the table on Loupy's pup house was often used as a changing table more than as a gurney as it was originally intended.
The next puphouse was Hector's. Hector was a white pup with black and blue ears, tail and paws and a gaze full of silliness and daydreams (especially since his eyes were heterochromatic, meaning they didn’t have the same color, one red, one blue). He was always wearing a purple jacket (and a diaper, for despite his numerous complaints about not needing some, he often got too distracted to get to the potty in time) and his puptag was an inkwell, fitting for the one in charge of communications and dispatching and coordinating the pups. He also served as driver for the Paw Patroller and used the data from their missions to write useful guidebooks for later operations.
Fiona giggled; her book was one of the novels Hector wrote during his free time. The pup's puphouse was a sort of purple jeep when unpacked, with radar dish and all sorts of communications and data-gathering gadgets so Hector could see everything and organize the operations. He had a knack for discerning what part of a building was too damaged to enter and so on, and his spy drone (similar to Chase's) allowed him even more coverage.
The next two puphouses were stuck to each other because of their owners, Remi and Sammy, the twins. The troublesome two, as they were known, were silly mutts always up for troubles. They had brown paws and tails, their heads were fully brown except for a line in the middle going from their muzzles back, and purple eyes. They were slightly bigger than the other pups, and often boasted about the fact they wore training pants (which they keep repeating weren't diapers) but still couldn't keep dry. The only differences they had outside of their clothing and puptags was that Remi wore glasses like Loupy. Remi was all about technical engineering, especially everything related to the electricity of demolition, and as such his orange puptag featured a bolt of lightning and he wore a reflective orange safety jacket.
Sammy was the forest ranger, boasting a green hunting jacket with lots of pockets and a green puptag with a red maple leaf. His puphouse was really similar to Hector’s in shape when packed up, painted all green. Once deployed, it was a jeep with a hook line, a snow mode so it could travel through icy regions, and a deployable ladder. Next to it, and clashing with his yellow-orange color, was Remi's own puphouse, a construction vehicle with a crane. It sported lots of wires going out in every direction, some connected to nothing and lighting up now and then (at night, the pups used it as a nightlight) that confused and sometimes made people a bit nervous.
Every town needed a police force, even when in a town as quiet and safe as Lake Town, and Truc was the police pup around here. She was the only female pup on the patrol and she sure knew it. Even if the team joked Loupy was a girl too because of his nurse pink-orange uniform, she was the only girl in a team of boys and she sometimes had trouble relating to them. Especially knowing she had some sort of social anguish, and did her best to present a façade to hide it (even to the point of using the nickname “truc”, which means “something” in French, instead of her real name of Peggy). But on the other side, she was organized and charismatic when on missions, and often in charge of putting Hector’s plans into action. She stood rather proudly in her black coastguard safe jacket with pink trimmings, brown fur, lighter on paws and face, purple hair, a collar with little anchors on it and a puptag of a star in the middle of life ring. Indeed, Lake Town being next to a giant pool of water, someone skilled in underwater missions was required and Truc was the pup for the job. Her puphouse look liked a folded boat in its rest position, but once deployed, it was a police transport that could go underwater. Once transformed, it was the biggest vehicle of them all, bigger than the others’ puphouses by half.
Swift was on the far left of the group, and was a cute Dalmatian who was the most level-headed and mission-driven of the group, and also so cunning that he was nicknamed the fox. Proudly ignoring his diapers, he was wearing a red aviator's jacket and a firefighter helmet with pilot's googles on it, and a collar with a red puptag of a white wing. His puphouse was the most advanced of them, as Swift was the aerial firefighter. His house turned into a plane that could fly vertically, allowing him to deliver the water his tanks held to extinguish any fires.
Overall, Fiona was quite proud of her little team of heroes. Suddenly, a familiar ringing woke her up from her reverie. She picked up her pad and opened it. It was the familiar bearded face of the chubby mayor of the town, Mayor Lubu.
"Hello Fiona." he said shyly.
"Hello Mayor Lubu, what is the emergency ?"
"It seems I was slow to react when driving, and I hit a fence. Now, Nanny the cow is running wild, there are pieces of fence everywhere and my car is blocking the road."
Fiona smiled. "No job is too big, no pup is too small, we are on our way." She ended the call and started a new one. "Pups, better have some dry padding, there is a job to do."
The puptags lighted up and all the pups shouted together: “Fiona needs us !” before rushing to the Paw Patroller. Swift was leading the charge, followed by Hector and Loupy. Truc came just after, and suddenly the twins showed up. They were arguing with each other about who was less soaked, as it would tell them who was more mature. But all it did was make them trip and roll over together as a furry ball and land into the others pups like a bowling ball.
“I can testify Remi is soaked,” commented Loupy, from an unpleasant point of view near the training pants of said pup.
“Same for Sammy,” added Hector, making everyone giggles.
Soon after, all dressed up and changed, and the team lined up in front of Fiona.
“Paw Patrol ready for another mission, Fiona sir,” said Truc proudly, taking the lead as always. The human smiled and prompted the mission screen.
“It’s going to be all paws on deck, are you all ready ?” she asked.
“Padding means saving!” said the wolf with a French accent.
“Let’s make history!” was Hector’s catchphrase.
Sammy said in turn, “From red to green, I’m good to go!” while moving his finger from his puptag’s red leaf to the green reverse.
Squirming around, Remi the electric pup shouted, “I’m full of energy!”
Truc moved forward. “Sea, land and air, I’ll go everywhere!”
Swift pretended to be superman while saying, “I’ll herd the clouds!”
Fiona smiled. “Despite being diapered pups, you can always count on us,” saying the team’s own personal motto. They were the best pups in the world.
paw patrol
8 years, 6 months ago
11 Aug 2016 11:38 CEST
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