So for those of you that don't know, I'm American military currently stationed in Korea. A few weeks ago, a rather infamous Korean animation group named Sambakza sent out an email to backers of their kickstarter that they had opened up shop somewhere in Korea. I told my Korean fiancée and she found where they were FOR ME.
On one of my days off we finally visited their place and, embarrassed, nervous, and giddy as all hell, we entered and I yelled I'M A HUGE FAN OF SAMBAKZA!!!! With that, amalloc the main animator of Sambakza came up to me and gave me a huge high five! We preceded to have a conversation with my fiancée translating for me, amolloc and Sogong (the third member of the group SongSongHwa wasn't in at the time.)
After a short time of conversation, an amazing thing happened. Amalloc started drawing, Sogong started drawing, and they invited my fiancée and I to draw as well. I drew my fursona Kenta, that