The third part when Hamburdeer got artificial feet, his nightmare continues now with Robin Hood, will be real?
Hamburdeer really gets lost in a different dimension, in a medieval setting, under the menace from bandits dressed like Robun Hood luckily, he got a help from a gracious feline magician woman. She brings him to where she live, a castle.
Inside there, she offers him a fruit. The deer is amazed, asking how she guessed he was hungry.
Agora Hamburdeer deve fugir dos seus cães, mas nem tudo é ruim, una menina empresra seus tênis para proteger seus pés enquanto corre pela floresta, ali ele cai num buraco gigante de lesma, e finalmente acaba sua viagem, mas parece que Robin Hood está esperando por ele.
Story por: Mr.Calorie and MajikkuMaus Traducao por MajikkuMaus