It's all about the attitude. And I don't mean being a jerk. Many women seek out guys who're full of self-confidence, and figure they can shift them away from assholiness.
That trick never works.
It's all about the attitude. And I don't mean being a jerk. Many women seek out guys who're full o
That's what's so sweet about Chucky. He's got no hidden agenda (well, except wanting to have sex with his girl friends) -- what you see is what you get.
That's what's so sweet about Chucky. He's got no hidden agenda (well, except wanting to have sex wi
IKR... Those three panels.. the evil grin on Chuck's face with Kaylo's incredulous "WTF?", then the "reaction shot" and both her face and his laugh when she puts some weight behind it as she lays on the dope-slap...
IKR... Those three panels.. the evil grin on Chuck's face with Kaylo's incredulous "WTF?", then th
Feels like the Chiefs quarters from my Navy days... We weren't supposed to "notice" it from the wardroom, but they did provide hours of "officially we didn't see that" entertainment.
Feels like the Chiefs quarters from my Navy days... We weren't supposed to "notice" it from the ward