I uh, hmm. You're either a really obvious troll/12 year old, or very new. Just for your information, drawn sexual art, even of children, has been rules as protested by the first amendment in the united states. Considering three of their servers are int he US theres enough there to argue with it not being child porn, especially with it being a DRAWN FICTIONAL CHARACTER.
I uh, hmm. You're either a really obvious troll/12 year old, or very new. Just for your informatio
Shut da fuck up bitch... its just there feet.... no different from being on ca Beach or bare foot around their house OR... WEARING FUCKIN´SANDLES U ASSHOLE!!!!!!!
Shut da fuck up bitch... its just there feet.... no different from being on ca Beach or bare foot ar
by judging for your 4-5 comments or you really like the picture (I saw your page giving FAV to foot fetish) or you love the attention of people.. this pic is not even porn, the character doesn't really exist (no idea even what species is, it's just a commission, for me it's nothing really).. but I have no time to deal witth attention whores, you got a +block
by judging for your 4-5 comments or you really like the picture (I saw your page giving FAV to foot
It's an aardvark. Also Arthur episodes are tiresome to me, as they merely deal with the angst of children. That they are aardvarks,rabbits, rats, dogs, apes.... has no beariing on what they say,do or undergo. You might as well have live actors. So - I don't watch it.
It's an aardvark. Also Arthur episodes are tiresome to me, as they merely deal with the angst of chi