So! I commissioned Cnat on tumblr for the original sketches of myself and [iconname]Raindeer[/iconname], then I took the liberty (with permission) and added colour and some shading! Big thanks to Cnat for the files, that helped a lot. Go check them out; their pony representation of Edgar Allan Poe is a great one. Tonnes of fun.
This is my OC, Fuzzy, just... uh... altered, a little. There's a story to come out about him soon. In fact y'know what? I'm not uploading the coloured version of mine alone; he'll be the file for the story. By the way,MY BOOK IS BEING PUBLISHED SOON, so be on the lookout for that! <3
The other OC belongs, obviously, to my boyfriend [iconname]Raindeer[/iconname].
That also means I may be opening back up for story commissions, and writing in general. Good times!